In addition to non-C++20 answer, if you are, by any chance, able to use C++20 and its concepts
feature, I would suggest you the following implementation:
#include <iostream>#include <concepts>enum class MyEnum { A, B, C};template <typename T>concept IntegralOrEnum = std::same_as<MyEnum, T> || std::integral<T>;template <IntegralOrEnum T>bool isFunction(T const& aVariable) { return true;}int main() { isFunction(MyEnum::A); isFunction(3); isFunction("my_string"); // error return 0;}
According to @RichardSmith's comment, here is a more scalable and reusable approach:
template <typename T, typename ...U>concept one_of = (std::is_same_v<T, U> || ...);template <one_of<int, MyEnum> T>bool isFunction(T const& aVariable) { return true;}